About Us

Tecnoline started business in 1992 in Concordia sulla Secchia in the province of Modena, where the company currently still has its headquarters. Tecnoline’s mission is to develop and manufacture products that meet the needs and expectations of its customers in terms of technical specifications and performance, in terms of technical and performance characteristics with emphasis on the health and safety of patients and operators.

The company has recently built a new 2500 m2 production facility
with a new UNI EN ISO 8 clean room.

Our data
our Identity Card.







3 Clean Rooms

ISO 8 certified and environmental contamination grade C

For greater production flexibility, Tecnoline’s activities are spread over 3 clean rooms – main production, product blistering and laboratory, screen printing and pad printing respectively

and quality system

Tecnoline internally manages the preparation of documentation of CE-marked medical devices, in vitro diagnostics, and third-party in accordance with Annex 1 of MDR 745/2017 and IVDR of 746/2017.

Tecnoline manages through an ISO13485:2016 certified quality management system the production of equipment and documentation.

Our Certification

Quality System compliant with ISO13485:2016
(Notified Body IMQ SpA)
EC Certificates no. 2044/MDD and no. 1888/MDD (Notified Body IMQ SpA)

Dear employees, customers and partners,

It is with great pleasure and pride that I address you as president of Tecnoline.
At this time of reflection and sharing, I would like to share with you our vision, our values and our commitment to the future.

Since Tecnoline was founded in 1994, we have been on an extraordinary journey, building strong ties with our community, developing innovative products and services, and meeting challenges with determination. I am deeply grateful for the continued support of our employees, the trust of our customers and the tireless cooperation of our partners.

Our mission goes beyond producing products and services; it is based on creating sustainable value for all who interact with us. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence, fostering innovation, and responding flexibly to changing market needs.

Today, more than ever, we face a dynamic landscape and unique challenges, but I am convinced that the strength of our company lies in our ability to adapt and grow together. We have an extraordinary team, a solid foundation, and an ambitious vision that guides us in our pursuit of excellence in everything we do.

Over the years, we have built a reputation based on integrity, quality and dedication to service. We are ready to continue this journey with you, innovating, learning and growing together.

I thank each and every member of our team, our loyal customers, and our valued partners for the vital contributions you have made to our company’s success. I am excited to face future challenges, taking advantage of the opportunities ahead and building an even brighter future for Tecnoline.

Thank you for being part of this extraordinary adventure.

With esteem,

Stefano Provasi

President and CEO

Our History

The company Neri Maddalena is established, HOSPAL subcontractor.

The company is transformed into Tecnoline Snc Lavorazioni conto terzi (outsourcers).

Opening of a new dialysis bag production facility.

Relocation of production to Valtellina following the earthquake.

Construction of new production facility.

Tecnoline obtains CE marking.

Creation of device for biocontainment of Ebola patients.

Tecnoline becomes a Spa (stock company).

Following the COVID emergency, Tecnoline implements a new line for the intensive production of facemasks and biocontainment devices.

New instruments and new products on the way.



Si, sono un operatore sanitario
Note: Ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’Art. 76 D.P.R. 445/2000 consapevole della responsabilità e delle conseguenze civili e penali previste in caso di dichiarazioni mendaci e/o formazione od uso di atti falsi, nonché in caso di esibizione atti contenenti dati non più corrispondenti a verità e consapevole altresì che qualora emerga la non veridicità del contenuto della presente decadranno i benefici per i quali la stessa è rilasciata confermo di essere un OPERATORE SANITARIO.

I contenuti presenti in questo sito contengono informazioni rivolte agli operatori sanitari, in quanto si riferiscono a prodotti rientranti nella categoria dei dispositivi medici che richiedono l’impiego o l’intervento da parte di professionisti del settore medico-sanitario.

Customer service