Tecnoline donates a Biocontainment bag to Mirandola Hospital

07. 09. 2021

A bio-containment bag has been donated by Tecnoline to the Santa Maria Bianca Hospital in Mirandola (MO) to deal with the Coronavirus emergency.
The bag makes it possible to isolate the patient during transport, thus eliminating the risk of infection for healthcare personnel and simplifying ambulance sanitisation operations.

“We were pleased to put ourselves at the disposal of the hospital during this period of health emergency,” says Stefano Foschieri, CEO of Tecnoline, “responding to the request of Dr. Toscani and Dr. Pasetto. Knowing that our equipment can be instrumental in managing the difficult situation we are experiencing is very important to us”.

The device, which is perfectly compatible with the equipment already on the vehicle, was designed using technology already developed by Tecnoline in 2014 for the transport of Ebola patients.

More specifically, Tecnoline took care of the design of the device and the realisation of the plastic parts of the bag donated to the Santa Maria Bianca Hospital, while the steel structure which enables the device to be attached to the stretcher was made in collaboration with the BBG and PTL companies of Mirandola.



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